Mu'Tamar In Norway-2015*Amazing Islamic lecture*Laziness*Part-2*Dr.Sheikh Mohamed Ali Mawliid

Saturday April 04, 2015 - 08:10:56 in Wararka by
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    Mu'Tamar In Norway-2015*Amazing Islamic lecture*Laziness*Part-2*Dr.Sheikh Mohamed Ali Mawliid

    (¯`°The disease of laziness and overcoming it*´¯)

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(¯`°The disease of laziness and overcoming it*´¯) "Oh Allah, I seek your protection from, alajz” – which means the inability to do something. And when someone said, "I can’t do that,” The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam would seek protection from such negative speech by adding: "and I seek your protection (Oh Allah) from alkasl”- which is translated as laziness.

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